How to watch STRIPCHAT for free and safely

By visiting this page, you will have a clear understanding of how to watch STRIPCHAT for free and safely.

How to watch STRIPCHAT for free and safely?

How to watch STRIPCHAT for free and safely?
  • Basic free: STRIPCHAT “Public Show” can be watched completely free of charge
  • Private shows: Private shows (group shows/ticket shows) are charged.
  • Membership registration & Verify Age: Completely free membership registration & Verify Age, you can watch live for free

After STRIPCHAT free membership registration & Verify Age

Completely free public show

You can watch

STRIPCHAT’s public live show is a very popular live show that can be viewed live for free. After registering for a free account & Verify Age, you can safely watch free live shows

How to watch STRIPCHAT live for free and safely?

What are the steps to watch STRIPCHAT for free and safely?

After registering for a STRIPCHAT free account & Verify Age, you can watch STRIPCHAT live safely for free

STEP1. Register a free account on STRIPCHAT

First, visit the STRIPCHAT official page and register for a free account.

STEP1. Register a free account on STRIPCHAT
  • 1. Tap the “Join Free” button at the top right of the STRIPCHAT screen
  • 2. Enter “Username” and “Email Address” and tap “Create Account”
  • 3. Tap “Verify email address” in the body of the received “verification email”
  • 4. Change the initial password to “new password”

This completes the registration for a free STRIPCHAT account.
↪ Create a free STRIPCHAT account

STEP2. Vrify Age (anonymous online authentication)

Verify Age anonymously to watch STRIPCHAT’s 18+ content. STRIPCHAT’s Verify Age is performed securely by third-party professional agencies “VerifyMyAge” and “Yoti”. It is completely anonymous and no information or image data about you is stored. You can safely Verify Age.

STEP2. Verify Age (anonymous online authentication)
  • 1. Log in to your STRIPCHAT account
  • 2. Tap the “Verify Age” button at the top of the screen
  • 3. Verify your age using “Video selfie”, “ID verification” or “Yoti app”

🔒Your data remains private

Whichever method you choose, your personal information is safe


🔒The data you provide will not be used for any purpose other than to confirm your age.

🔒We will not store or share your data after verification

🔒Your data is protected by secure encryption

STEP3. Watch your favorite live show

After completing your STRIPCHAT free account and Verify Age, enter your favorite live showroom. You can watch all “Public Shows” for free

Watch STRIPCHAT’s free live show
  • Public Shows: Watch live shows for free (no money)
  • Private shows: Group shows and ticket shows can be viewed for a fee.

All STRIPCHAT public shows can be viewed for free

You can unlock 18+ content after free membership registration & Verify Age

↪ Register as a free member of STRIPCHAT & Verify Age

How can I watch STRIPCHAT for free and safely?

Why you can watch STRIPCHAT for free and safely
  • Because it is supported by VIP paying users: It is operated purely by token sales from paying users.
  • COMODO SECURE™: Secure data protection with 256bit SSL encryption
  • Adopts a basic free system: Adopts a “public show” that is basically free based on a tip system
  • No Ads: Safe with no risk of viruses or scams

🚀 Supported by some VIP paying users

Operated by token sales from VIP paying users

Free users without paying: Watch public live shows for free

VIP paying user: Purchases a large amount of tips and tokens

STRIPCHAT is a free and secure live show platform operated by “Technius Ltd.” based in Limassol, Republic of Cyprus. After registering for free membership and Verify Age, you can enjoy the live show for free.

You can unlock 18+ content after free membership registration & Verify Age

↪ STRIPCHATに無料会員登録&Verify Ageする

Frequently Asked QuestionsFAQ
A. Yes, you can register for an account for free and securely.

You can register for a free STRIPCHAT account safely only with Verify Age, which uses email address authentication and anonymity.

A. Minors under the age of 18 are not allowed to view.

STRIPCHAT’s live shows feature 18+ content. To protect minors from 18+ content, only Verify Age users over the age of 18 can view STRIPCHAT.

A. Only users connecting to the Internet from Asia

If you are connected to the Internet from Asia, you can watch STRIPCHAT live without registering an account. For information on how to watch STRIPCAHT without registering an account, please see the linked page below.

↪ How to watch STRIPCAHT without registering an account

A. There is no risk of virus infection or fraud, and you can watch safely.

STRIPCHAT is soundly operated by Technius Ltd., based in Limassol, Republic of Cyprus. There are no dangerous external third party advertisements displayed within STRIPCHAT’s services.

At STRIPCHAT you can watch live shows for free and safely, without the risk of virus infection or fraud


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です
