This page provides an easy-to-understand explanation of STRIPCHAT’s Verify Age, its safety, and how to verify anonymously and safely.
What is STRIPCHAT’s Verify Age?
- Legally Compliant: STRIPCHAT is Verify Age compliant as required by law. You must confirm that you are an adult over the age of 18 (online verification)
- Anonymous and secure: Easily authenticate online in 30 seconds

No documents or information used for authentication will be saved. Verify Age safely and securely. We use an anonymous online authentication system. No personal information is stored.

STEP1. Access the STRIPCHAT official page
First, visit the STRIPCHAT official page
STEP2. Register a free STRIPCHAT account
Before Verify Age, you need to register for a STRIPCHAT free account

Tap the “Join Free” button at the top right of the screen
STEP2. Access the site and press the “Verify Age” button
When you visit STRIPCHAT, you will see a “Verify Age” button at the top of the site

Verify Age to unlock 18+ content
STEP3. Choose a method to Verify Age
There are three Verify Age methods: “Video selfie”, “ID verification” and “Yoti app”

STEP1. Select Video selfie and tap “Continue”
Select “Video selfie” from Chose How to Verify and press the “Continue” button
STEP2. Choose Verification Service
Choose the authentication method: “Verify My Age” or “Yoti”

Whichever option you choose, you can authenticate your video anonymously.
3. Start Verification
Tap the Start Verification button to begin your video selfie verification

Please give permission to use the camera

Tap “Verify your age” > “Continue” button

Agree to the terms of use and tap the “Continue” button

Grant permission to use the camera and tap the “I’M READY” button. Please make sure your face fits within the frame.
If you are unable to authenticate, please try taking the photo several times under bright lighting.
Verification using Video selfie is now complete.
Unlock STRIPCHAT18+ content for free and safely
STEP1. Select ID verification
Select “ID verification” from Verify Age in STRIPCAHT

Press the “Continue” button to proceed
STEP2. Select “Age Verification” or “Yoti”.
Select “VerifyMyAge” or “Yoti”

Both are anonymous online authentication services. There is almost no difference
STEP3. Tap “Start Verification”
Tap the “Start Verification” button

The verifymyage screen will open, so tap “Continue” to proceed.

Agree to the terms of Verify My Age, check the box and tap “Continue”

Please give permission to use the camera and take pictures.

ID verification allows you to safely Verify Age anonymously online
This completes Verify Age using ID verification.
Unlock STRIPCHAT18+ content for free and safely
You can Verify Age anonymously online by using the service of “Yoti”, a professional organization for online identity verification.
STEP1. Select Yoti app
Select “Yoti app” from STRIPCHAT’s Verify Age

Tap “Continue”
STEP2. Select “Yoti” and “Continue”
Select “Yoti” from the Choose Verification Service screen and tap “Continue”

STEP3. Verify with Yoti
Yoti’s Verification app will start

The Yoti App allows you to authenticate anonymously and securely online.
This completes Verify Age with Yoti app.
Unlock 18+ content for free and securely with STRIPCHAT
Verify Age with Video selfie is smooth
STEP4. 18+ content will be unlocked
Complete STRIPCHAT’s Verify Age to unlock all 18+ content for free and securely

Unlock 18+ content for free and securely with STRIPCHAT
↪ See STRIPCHAT official page
Is STRIPCHAT’s Verify Age safe?

- Secure Verify Age with external anonymous online authentication “Verify My Age” and “Yoti”
- Images and documents used during online authentication will not be saved at all.
- Verify Age anonymously and securely online
🔒Your data remains private
Whichever method you choose, your personal information is safe
🔒The data you provide will not be used for any purpose other than to confirm your age.
🔒We will not store or share your data after verification
🔒Your data is protected by secure encryption
STRIPCHAT’s Verify Age is completely anonymous and no image or document data is stored
Unlock 18+ content for free and securely with STRIPCHAT
↪ See STRIPCHAT official page
Why is STRIPCHAT’s Verify Age not authenticated?
- The image is blurry: Adjust the focus and take the photo under bright lighting.
- Too young: If you look too young, try verifying with your ID.
- Under 18: Users under 18 cannot view 18+ content
If you are unable to pass STRIPCHAT’s Verify Age, you may be able to access STRIPCHAT smoothly by connecting from Asia using a VPN connection.
If Verify Age fails, please try Verifying again from the STRIPCHAT official page so that a bright light shines on your face.
Why do I need Verify Age?
Although we are not subject to United States law, we voluntarily comply with the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 2257 and its regulations.
All models, actors, actresses and other persons that appear in any visual portrayal of actual or simulated sexually explicit conduct appearing on, or otherwise contained in, this Website were required to be over the age of eighteen (18) years at the time the visual image was produced. Records required for all depictions of actual sexually explicit conduct by Title 18 U.S.C. 2257 and its related regulations are on file with the custodian of records set forth below and will be made available to authorized inspectors.
All other visual depictions displayed on this Website are exempt from the provision of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2257, 2257A and/or 28 C.F.R. § 75, because 1) they do not portray conduct as specifically listed in 18 U.S.C § 2256 (2)(A) (i) through (iv), 2) they do not portray conduct as specifically listed in 18 U.S.C. § 2257A, 3) they do not portray conduct listed in 18 U.S.C. § 2256(2)(A)(v) produced after July 27, 2006, or 4) are otherwise exempt because the visual depictions were created prior to July 3, 1995.
The records required to be kept pursuant to the above referenced laws are kept by the following custodian of records:
Database Administrator –
- Legal Requirements: Compliant with 18 U.S.C. 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement
- 18+ Content: STRIPCHAT carries 18+ content for adults
STRIPCHAT is not subject to United States law, but voluntarily complies with the provisions of 18 USC § 2257 and its regulations
What is VerifyMyAge and Yoti?
🔒Secure with professional online certification bodies
No data is stored by the online age verification specialist

🔒verifymyage: A professional certification body registered in England and Wales (registration number: 12050874)
🔒Yoti: A specialist online identity verification organization based in London, UK (Company registration number: 08998951)
Verify Age of STRIPCHAT: Summary

- Compliance with 18 USC § 2257: STRIPCHAT is voluntarily compliant with 18 USC § 2257
- Steps: ① Register for free account ↪ ② Anonymous online Verify Age ↪ 18+ content will be unlocked
STRIPCHAT is voluntarily compliant with 18 U.S.C. 2257 and implements Verify Age to protect children from sexual content. You can Verify Age safely without spending any money.
Is there any misuse of data with STRIPCHAT’s Verify Age?
There is no data misuse and you can Verify Age online securely and anonymously using the system of professional online verification agencies ‘VerifyMyAge’ and ‘Yoti’
Unlock STRIPCHAT18+ content for free and securely
↪ See STRIPCHAT official page
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50 free tokens = approximately $5 worth of giveaway
Now, if you sign up for a free account on the STRIPCAHT official page as a new member, you have a chance to participate in the giveaway campaign where you can receive 50 free tokens every hour up to 24 times a day! ( ̄∇ ̄)✨

After completing STRIPCAHT's free account email verification, you can participate by tapping "50 free tokens in giveaway" from the bottom of the comment field in the STRIPCAHT chat room.
・Completely free $0, you can participate without paying any money.
・You can participate in giveaways up to 24 times a day, every hour.
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What is STRIPCHAT 50 free tokens giveaway? How to participate and why you can't get it