STRIPCHAT token refund procedure | Conditions and application method

We will clearly explain the procedure and conditions for applying for a refund of STRIPCHAT tokens.

STRIPCHAT token refund procedure | How to apply

You can apply for a refund of STRIPCAHT tokens from the STRIPCHAT official support request page.

STRIPCAHT token refund

From official support

Submit your refund request

STRIPCHAT token refund procedure | How to apply
  • ① STRIPCHAT Support|Open request page
  • ② Request “I want a refund”
    • Username: your username
    • Subject: Token refund due to malfunction, etc.
    • Who are you? : Select “I am a User”
    • Issue type: Select “Billing and Subscriptions”
    • Issue details: Select “I want a refund”
    • Description: Explain the reason for the refund, the amount, etc., and enter the number of tokens, account ID, and purchase time (time of use).
  • ③Attach image files, etc. as necessary.
  • ③Tap the “Submit” button

By following the steps above, you can apply for a refund of STRIPCHAT tokens. Please wait for the refund from the management team.

STRIPCHAT token refund conditions

There are conditions for refunding STRIPCHAT tokens.

Regarding refund of unused tokens after purchase

Refund of purchased STRIPCAHT tokens

Within 30 days of purchase

is eligible for refund

Regarding refund of unused tokens after purchase
  • Applies to the last token package purchased.
  • Must be within 30 days of last token purchase
  • Purchased tokens must be unused
  • Credit card / PayPal payments accepted

For unused STRIPCAHT tokens after purchase, please contact our support team with a “refund request” within 30 days of purchase if the last package you purchased was unused.

Refunds will be processed from your account based on your token purchase history. This is only available for purchases made with credit card or PayPal.

Regarding refund of used tokens

Refund of used STRIPCAHT tokens

Within 48 hours of use

is eligible for refund


General refund terms:

  • The request must have been submitted within 48 hours of the issue occurring.
  • If there is an obvious problem with a private show, limited private show, tip or purchase of paid content (such as a system error or a performer’s failure to fulfill a promise)
  • Services performed outside the STRIPCHAT site are not covered.

Only if the above conditions are met, the STRIPCHAT management team will refund the paid token amount. Refunds cannot be made for amounts greater than the disputed amount.

Regarding refund of paid tokens

STRIPCHAT Private Show Refunds:

  • If you have watched a show longer than 5 minutes, you will not be able to receive a full refund. If you are dissatisfied, please end the show immediately and write down the reason for your negative rating and comment.
  • Please make sure that the performance content is agreed upon with the model before the private show begins.
  • Otherwise, the model may refuse the refund.
  • If there is a system problem on the user’s side, there will be no refund.

Refund of tipping coins:

  • If there is an explicit agreement between you and the model regarding the tip amount, only failure to meet that promise will qualify for a refund.

Spy on Show refunds:

  • Spy on Shows is not eligible for token refunds.

Refunds for paid content purchases:

  • Tokens will be refunded only if there is an obvious problem with the content posted by the model (model photos, videos).

Regarding the refund of used tokens, only if there is a clear performance promise for the token amount with the model, the reason for non-fulfillment (screen not delivered, etc.) will be eligible for token refund. .

Refunds will not be given for reasons such as malfunction of the device due to your own reasons.

Refunds from STRIPCHAT model performers to users

Token refund from model to user

Within 20 minutes after receiving

is eligible for refund

If a problem occurs during the chat, the model broadcaster can refund the tokens directly to the user.

Refund the user from the STRIPCAHT model
  • Log in to your STRIPCHAT model account
  • View your income history from within the menu
  • Check the income eligible for refund and open the “Refund Menu”
  • Tap “Refund coins to user”

Coins sent within the last 20 minutes will be eligible for a refund.

If a problem occurs with STRIPCHAT’s model distributor, it may lead to complaints. If an unexpected problem occurs, try to process the token refund within 20 minutes.


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