What is STRIPCHAT Ultimate Membership? Advantages and disadvantages, registration method and cancellation method

On this page, we will explain STRIPCHAT Ultimate Membership / Free Offer / Cancellation Method / Safety / Payment Method / Advantages and Disadvantages in an easy-to-understand manner.

What is STRIPCHAT Ultimate Membership?

What is STRIPCAHT Ultimate Membership?

STRIPCHAT’s VIP membership system

$19.99 per month or $199.99 per year

What is STRIPCHAT Ultimate Membership?
  • $19.99/month or $199.99/year
  • 10 benefits exclusive to Ultimate members only

You can become a STRIPCAHT Ultimate Member by paying $19.99 per month or $199.99 per year from the STRIPCHAT Ultimate Membership Enrollment Page.

STRIPCAHT Ultimate Membership is STRIPCHAT’s premium membership for $19.99 per month or $199.99 per year.

10 Benefits of STRIPCHAT Ultimate Membership

What are the benefits of being an Ultimate member?

There are a total of 10 benefits

10 Benefits of STRIPCAHT Ultimate Membership
  • A special in-chat badge “✪️” will be displayed.
  • You can change your username at any time
  • Ultimate member exclusive offer
  • unlimited private messages
  • Unlimited incognito mode
  • be nominated as a knight
  • Chat streaming preview
  • Use of spicy emojis
  • anonymous gift
  • 24/7 support

A special “✪️” name badge will instantly identify you as an Ultimate member in the chat room. In addition, there are a total of 10 benefits.

Click here to see more details about the benefits

A special in-chat name badge “✪️” will appear next to your username. You will immediately know that you are a special VIP user.

Benefit: Show your presence

You can stream the live content by hovering over it from the STRIPCHAT list screen. You can check from the “List screen” without entering the room.

You are free to change your username at any time. This benefit is exclusive to STRIPCHAT Ultimate members. General users cannot change their “user name”.

Receive additional token discount offers exclusively for STRIPCHAT Ultimate members. STRIPCHAT token discounts are offered seasonally. In addition to the general membership discount bonus, you can receive additional offers.

Private messages are chat messages that only the performer and you can see. STRIPCHAT Ultimate members can send unlimited private messages.

Benefit: Makes it easier to invite people to private chat

Invisible mode is a feature that allows you to secretly enter a chat room anonymously. You can hide your username and stay in the chat room without anyone knowing.

Only STRIPCHAT Ultimate members can use spicy emojis in chat comments. General members cannot send emojis. This benefit is exclusive to Ultimate members.

Only STRIPCHAT Ultimate members can be nominated by performers as a “knight” to protect public safety. However, it is up to the performer whether or not to designate a knight. By being designated as a “knight”, you can “mute” unwanted users in the room. Contributes to maintaining peace in the room.

This feature is called “Moderation Powers”.

You can secretly and anonymously activate the LOVENSE vibrator (Sex Toy). You can use the giveaway menu anonymously. Please select “Anonymous” when sending the gift menu.

Exclusive to STRIPCHAT Ultimate members, you can receive support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

STRIPCAHT Ultimate Membership Free 7-day Trial Offer

Ultimate membership free trial

Try it for free for 7 days

Free + Ultimate Offer

STRIPCAHT Ultimate Membership Free Offer
  • The condition is that you purchase a certain number of token packages or more.
  • You can try “Ultimate Membership” for free for 7 days.
  • If you cancel within 7 days, it’s free and you won’t be charged anything.

At STRIPCHAT, you can receive a free Ultimate Membership 7-day trial offer when you purchase tokens of $49.99 or more.

If you would like to receive it, please check “Try Ultimate Membership for Free!”

How to cancel STRIPCHAT Ultimate membership

How to cancel your Ultimate membership

“Cancel membership”

Can be canceled immediately with one touch

How to cancel STRIPCHAT Ultimate membership
  • Log in to your STRIPCHAT account
  • “Cancel membership” from your profile page
  • You can cancel your STRIPCAHT Ultimate membership immediately.

STRIPCHAT Ultimate membership can be canceled immediately with one touch.

Even after canceling your Ultimate membership, the “10 benefits of Ultimate membership” will continue during the paid contract period.

Is STRIPCHAT Ultimate membership safe?

Ultimate Member Safety

It’s safe because you can cancel immediately.

No fraudulent charges

STRIPCHAT Ultimate Member Safety
  • You can cancel your subscription immediately from the menu.
  • There is no particular danger and it is safe.
  • No fraudulent charges

To become a STRIPCHAT Ultimate Member, you must pay $19.99 per month or $199.99 per year. You can immediately “cancel your membership” from your profile.

Payment of STRIPCHAT Ultimate Membership Fee

How to pay for Ultimate membership fee

$19.99/month ($199.99/year)

Credit card / PayPal payment etc.

Payment of STRIPCHAT Ultimate Membership Fee
  • Payment by credit card / PayPal or crypto assets (automatic monthly withdrawal, can be canceled at any time)

If you purchase STRIPCHAT Ultimate Membership using “Credit Card/PayPal Payment”, your Ultimate Membership will be automatically renewed every month.

Payment can be made in the same way as when purchasing regular STRIPCHAT tokens.

Become a STRIPCHAT Ultimate Member

Become an Ultimate Member

Tap “Get Ultimate Memberships” in the menu

Become an Ultimate member right away

Become a STRIPCHAT Ultimate Member
  • Access the STRIPCHAT official page
  • After logging in, tap “Get Ultimate Membership” from the menu
  • Select your preferred payment method and purchase Ultimate Membership

It is the same as regular STRIPCHAT token purchase. You can pay by credit card, PayPal payment, crypto asset Bitcoin, etc.

Or take advantage of our free 7-day trial offer.

STRIPCHAT Ultimate Member 7-day Free Offer
  • Select $49.99 and above when purchasing STRIPCHAT tokens
  • Check “Try Ultimate Membership for Free!”
  • Then, purchase the tokens as usual.
  • You can try a free 7-day trial.

Token package purchases of $49.99 or more are eligible for the “+Ultimate Offer”. You can try out Ultimate Membership for free for 7 days only.

Advantages and Disadvantages of STRIPCAHT Ultimate Membership

Advantages and disadvantages of Ultimate membership

$19.99 per month

Is it worth paying or not?

Advantages and Disadvantages of STRIPCAHT Ultimate Membership
  • Main advantages:
    • Feeling of superiority and specialness with the “✪️” badge
    • Can send private messages
    • Incognito mode (anonymous mode)
    • Can change username
  • Main disadvantages:
    • $19.99 per month

The main benefits are the superiority of the “✪️” badge display and the ability to use functions such as private messages. The downside is that you have to pay $19.99 per month.


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