What is STRIPCHAT White Label? |How to become a white label?

On this page, what is STRIPCHAT White Label? We will explain how to become a STRIPCHAT white label in an easy-to-understand manner.

What is STRIPCHAT White Label?

STRIPCHAT White Label is one of the official features of STRIPCHAT. You can change the title label of STRIPCHAT and rewrite it as a different service (white label).

What is STRIPCHAT White Label?

🔥White Label: Rewriting the STRIPCHAT label
🔥Example) xHamsterLIVE, SpankbangLIVE, etc.

“xHamsterLIVE” and “SpankbangLIVE” are broadcast as STRIPCHAT’s white label. This is a mechanism that allows you to rewrite the STRIPCHAT live service name and broadcast it as a different service.

How to become a STRIPCHAT white label?

Anyone can become a STRIPCHAT white label. The live content that will be broadcast is exactly the same as “STRIPCHAT”. Only the label can be rewritten.

Become a STRIPCHAT white label

🔥STEP 1. Register as STRIPCHAT affiliate
🔥STEP 2. “White Label” in the menu
🔥STEP 3. Obtain a domain for white label
🔥STEP 4. Register your domain and set up a new white label

The white label site is operated as a parent and subsidiary site of STRIPCHAT, and a portion of the token amount charged on the site is returned as compensation to the white label operator.

STRIPCHAT White Label Rewards

STRIPCHAT White Label is part of the functionality of STRIPCHAT Affiliates (STRIPCASH). By operating a STRIPCHAT white label site, you can receive a portion of the token sales within the STRIPCHAT white label site you are operating as compensation.

Make money with STRIPCHAT white label:

🔥Create and promote your white label
🔥 A portion of the token sales within the white label is a reward

STRIPCHAT Affiliate (STRIPCASH) offers many marketing tools other than white labels through affiliate referrals. You can make money with STRIPCHAT affiliate marketing.


By registering as a STRIPCHAT affiliate (STRIPCASH), anyone can freely create a STRIPCHAT white label (rewriting the label).

STRIPCHAT White Label:

xHamsterLIVE / SpankbangLIVE / CAM ACTION / Hot-India / etc.

xHamsterLIVE and SpankbangLIVE are typical examples of STRIPCHAT white label sites. Besides that, there are many STRIPCHAT white label sites.

After inserting your domain name, you’ll see the DNS settings that should be set up in your domain hoster cabinet. Once DNS is resolved, you will be able to customize your site. If you need any help with DNS, don’t hesitate to contact your manager.
We need you to sign our Whitelabel agreement to enable billings on your Whitelabel. The contract version depends on how your domain is registered: as a company or as an individual (let your manager know before your request). The name of the domain owner should match the name in the contract.
Also, we would need a screenshot from the domain registrar to see your domain (date of expiry) and your name (or company name).
After setting up DNS and submitting the correct documents, your Whitelabel will be approved.


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