What is STRIPCHAT’s invisible mode? Functions and usage

What is STRIPCHAT’s invisible mode?

What is STRIPCHAT invisible mode?

hide your username

You can enter and exit rooms anonymously

What is STRIPCHAT’s invisible mode?
  • Hide your name and stay anonymously in the room
  • Ultimate membership ($19.99 per month) required
  • You can quickly go in and out of the room without worrying about other people seeing you.

STRIPCHAT’s “Invisible Mode” is a feature that can be used by paying STRIPCHAT’s Ultimate membership ($19.99 per month or $199.99 per year).

How to use STRIPCHAT invisible mode

Log in to your STRIPCHAT account and become an “Ultimate Member.” You can turn on “invisible mode” in the STRIPCHAT account menu.

How to use STRIPCHAT’s invisible mode

After logging into your STRIPCHAT account, set the “Invisible Mode” item in the account menu to “ON”.

When using invisible mode, your username will no longer be visible. Additionally, the user icon will change to one with a hat and sunglasses on.

Advantages of STRIPCHAT invisible mode

Advantages of STRIPCHAT invisible mode

hide your username

I don’t care what other people think

Ultimate members using STRIPCHAT invisible mode will no longer have their usernames displayed in the viewer list in the room.

Advantages of invisible mode in STRIPCHAT
  • Anonymity: Watch STRIPCHAT live shows anonymously
  • Quickly enter and leave the room: You can leave the room immediately without knowing your name.
  • You can watch without worrying about what other people see

For general STRIPCHAT paying users, user names are displayed in a list. Using invisible mode has the advantage of allowing you to enter and exit the room without being noticed by the model or user.

How to become a STRIPCHAT Ultimate member?

Only STRIPCHAT Ultimate members can use the invisible mode feature.

How to become a STRIPCHAT Ultimate member?
  • 7-day free trial: When you purchase a token package starting at $49.99, you can try Ultimate membership for free for 7 days.
  • Regular purchase: $19.99 per month or $199.99 per year
  • Lifetime Ultimate Membership: From account level 80 and above, Ultimate Membership is free forever.

In addition to “invisible mode”, you can receive a total of 10 benefits by becoming an Ultimate member of STRIPCHAT.

↪ What is STRIPCHAT Ultimate Membership?

What is STRIPCHAT’s “Account Disabled”?

On STRIPCHAT, “Account Disabled” may be displayed and you may not be able to watch the live performance.

What is STRIPCHAT’s “Account Disabled”?
  • Models you have set as “Not interested”: Performers that you have set as “Not interested” will be hidden from the model profile ↪ Can be canceled from the account menu
  • Geo-blocking: If the model is set to block by region or country, the performer will become a “Account Disabled” ↪ This can be avoided by connecting to a VPN
  • Individual block: If a performer is individually blocked due to nuisance, etc., that performer will become a “Account Disabled”
  • Model account is BAN: “Account Disabled” will be displayed if the model’s account has been “BAN” by the management due to violation etc.

Workarounds and countermeasures for each are summarized on the “STRIPCHAT Account Disabled” linked page.

↪ What is STRIPCHAT Account Disabled?


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